Thursday 2 January 2014

Mistakes Can Make Your Blog Useless

Too often bloggers complain that after a great start , a year later their blog is as dead as possible. This is a common problem that almost always revolves around a small list of the most common mistakes made by the blogger . A blogger can sit and wait for the blog to do all the work for him to approach a horrible way is to do blogging. A blogger would tell you that great blogging takes a certain amount of dedication and effort to make it work . You need to put effort into a blog to support him, especially after the first month of the completion of the design. Many people work very hard during the initial phase , that after she is lazy completed. To prevent this in your blog , check out these five common mistakes that can bury a blog.

Rare updates

One of the biggest mistakes a blogger can do is to "forget" the display . The most successful blogs are updated with new posts at least once per day. Some great blogs are constantly updated. You should try to create new positions as often as possible . If you miss here and there one day there will be no big deal. However , if you miss a week or more without booking , you might as well consider the blog dead already . You should spend a few minutes to take less than five years 1 days post messages, and interesting content . If you are short and concise , as you should write messages, it should not be difficult. It's easy to keep your blog updated , if you make it a priority.

Too much advertising

Most bloggers today do not want to profit from their blog. This is a trend that can quickly get out of control though. If you are interested in ads on your blog , you do it with caution. There is nothing to offer wrong with a little good place ads that viewers links to places that are correlated with the content of your blog . The addition of an enormous amount of ads on your blog is a mistake. If you have on your blog a flashy job ads , your content will be lost in the shuffle. Therefore, you should always limit your ads to three or less per page . Be sure to place them in appropriate locations , shining through your content . Not huge ads on your pages either to fill . They will simply annoy readers. Be smart about including advertising on your blog !


Does not matter when it comes to your blog. The professional and crisp your blog looks, the more readers to take you seriously . If you are interesting in boosting traffic , you should try a more serious layout or presentation of your blog. If you can afford a professional , you should. If you do it yourself, but you must ensure that the final product is good. If you have a blog that is sloppy " homemade " looks like you probably will not have a great answer . Try to see different models and approaches , what gets you the most traffic .

graphical overload

Images can a ton on your blog and attract more readers. However, if you are overly done, such as advertisements, pictures , people can distribute . The main reason , even pictures can ruin a blog because there are many users who . Still with slow Internet connections If you try to load your page , it is an excessively long time to do. This is likely to lead them and all others with this problem. Try to keep a few photos per page .


Everyone knows that the web is a place where you can freely express themselves . However, if you want your blog to survive , you may want the freedom of expression to think . Although you always say what you feel , so that you can do in the way corresponding to your blog. There are ways to say something on his mind , without profanity or offensive jargon. If you want your blog to be successful, you can not be incongruous with the content.

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